Through the Wasteland


  All you wanted to do was pass through this town and keep moving north towards Arroyo.
Conflict was the last thing you wanted to have happen. It wasn't even your fault! …Just plain
self-defense. What were you supposed to do? Let them steal your backpack and leave you
for dead?

Yeah right.

You had picked up some Rad-X and a micro-fusion cell on the way here and wanted to trade
up for a couple of stimpacks. Maybe even a super stim, if they had one…

Instead, here you were, standing in the middle of a circle of locals, a couple of them with
guns pointed at you. You could feel the tension in the air and see it on their faces. They were
just looking for a reason to lash out at an outsider. The question was, how did you want to
handle this? You had options… a few of them. There were a couple of women nearby that
saw what went down before this crowd came. Maybe you could get them to talk to this mob
on your behalf and ease the anger a bit. Out of the corner of your eye you could see a small
but workable gap in the crowd… you could make a dash for it and try to get out of town in one
piece. From what you saw, this place was a maze of sheet metal and junk piles. Plenty of
places to hide from bloodthirsty townsfolk until nightfall…

Or you could kill them all where they stood.

The Wastes have never been a kind place. All your life, you have seen death, and even
caused it on occasion. Once again, you seem to have gotten yourself into 'one of those
situations'. You jammed your last stimpack into your arm, feeling the familiar tingling of the
healing stimulant run up and down your spine. The natives were getting restless. It was time
to act.

Chapter 1

“All right stranger you got about ten seconds to explain yourself before we act out a little Wasteland justice.” Said one of the older men. This one seemed to be in charge or at least had some authority.

Sigh. I’m no slayer of innocents damn it.

Slowly reaching into my pack, I pulled out my last two bottles of whiskey, this wasn’t RotGut, it was the good stuff and old as the days are hot. (My pack seems to be getting lighter all the time). I was hoping these would take the edge off the Wastes, and days like these, when I camped later tonight. I held both bottles up and looked fondly at them. Then with a little remorse. I bought these off of a wandering traveler I'd come across some time back. Cost a pretty cap too.

"Damn sure glad these are still intact." I said, casually tossing one of the bottles to the one who appeared in charge, all the while looking into his eyes. (A gift I thought and hoped. And a rare one at that, if only he can appreciate it.) He was studying me as much as I was the crowd. He caught it and warily examined the bottle and it’s contents. Fortunately most were now watching him as well. He opened the bottle and held it up to his nose. Inhaling deeply he seemed satisfied and pleased but then he turned his attention back to me; as did everyone else.

I took a slow and long hit off of the remaining bottle. (Damn that hits the spot). Then I apologized. "Sorry for the mess” I gestured at the dead bodies. “If I'd known they wanted my last whiskey so bad, I woulda just give it to 'em. All they had to do was just ask! I would have s h a r e d!" There were some “harumpfs” from the crowd. The man I tossed the bottle to then warily took a taste himself as everyone looked on. Including myself, I wanted them to feel at ease. Then he took another, bigger taste. "Damn fine whiskey" he said; "Thanks stranger". I nodded. Another in the crowd near him grabbed the bottle “Let me try some o’ that”, and took a hit. Then another in the crowd did the same.

I handed the second bottle to one in the crowd that was between me and the ladies. "This reminds me of the time I was surrounded by Deathclaws" I said while hunching a little and extending my arms out then making a half circle. "Musta been a dozen of 'em." There was some chuckling from the crowd and a "sure there was".

"I was on my way to New Reno having worked the mines for a month in Redding and was ready for a little excitement and relaxation. I was heading through a mountain pass when I stepped down off a boulder smack onto a sleeping baby Deathclaw's tail. SHIT! I cursed out loud because if there's one rule about Deathclaws it's; They always travel in packs!” Some in the crowd agreed. "Now this caused me to stumble a bit but I tucked and rolled while grabbing my .223 pistol" all the while simulating my moves. "It roared in anger but too late; I had already rolled to my side and let off 3 rounds into his chest. That one collapsed like a Brahmin on Xander Root, bleeding to death."

"By the time I got to my feet another came around a boulder to my right and one to my left." The bottles were making their way around the crowd. A tall tale and some whiskey, just what the AutoDoc ordered!
This was just another typical crowd; there were always some who didn’t really want to be there. "Moving forward a bit, I took aim at the one on my right." I said, squinting as if holding my .223. "A clean shot to the head!" jerking the hands up as if the imaginary pistol had fired. "It fell to the ground stunned. Hard head those Deathclaws have." I said and some nodded and grunted in assent. "Then I quickly took aim at the one on my left. ANOTHER clean shot, this one to the leg! Now he's limping away so I can concentrate on the stunned Deathclaw. Or so I thought!”

“I quickly reloaded the .223 but right about that time two more Deathclaws come around the bends on the right and the left." Someone in the crowd shouted "Hold on now. Is that two on the left and two on the right or just one?" Another in the crowd said "yeah" and I said "Yeah". He nodded as if understanding then had a puzzled look on his face but said no more. So I continued.

"I started to back up and turning around I saw 3 more Deathclaws coming from the direction I had just come! My escape was cut off and they were all closing in! I tell you friends, it was at this time I thought my rat was cooked."

"Holstering my .223, I grabbed a plasma grenade and pulled a flare out of my pack. I threw the grenade to my left” making a wild throwing gesture, “and running to my right thrust the flare into the eyes of the nearest Deathclaw." making a thrusting gesture toward the eyes of someone on my right, but not to close. "The grenade only wounded the Deathclaws but it also threw them back and off their feet and they were none to happy about it."

"Meanwhile, the flare hit it's mark and the Deathclaw roared in agony. That one would be no more threat. Unfortunately, that left one Deathclaw in striking distance and more coming from behind."

"Let me tell you friends, this was no ordinary pack of Deathclaws, oh no! Every last one of these was tough. Had hides thicker than combat armor and was twice as tall as any man! And they were pissed!”

"Well the Deathclaw next to me got a good swipe in that knocked me off my feet but still further away from the rest. Still got a scar to show for that one" I said, rubbing my chest. By this time I was half way to where the ladies now sat listening intently.

"I got up and kept movin' to try and keep some distance from the others. I grabbed another plasma grenade and threw it at the group that was closing in and growing in size. This threw them all back so I could concentrate a little on the close one. It attacked and missed. I pulled my FN FAL off of my shoulder and emptied the clip on it" once again carefully simulating the move as the FN FAL was at the ready in the overslung position. That was one less Deathclaw I had to worry about my friends. It now lay in pieces all over the ground.”

"But those damn Deathclaws are fast too." I said with more agreement from the crowd. “The rest of the Deathclaws were getting a little too close for comfort now. I needed a diversion, a miracle... another shot of whiskey" I said, reaching for one of the bottles as it came near then taking a deep swig. “Ahhh”. Might be my last if I can’t pull this one off. There was outright laughter from many now. The tension had been released but the bottles were also near empty. I handed the bottle back to the one I’d taken it from.

Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I continued. “I grabbed my last plasma grenade and continued to back up.” I was only a few yards distant from the ladies now. “Looking around for an escape, I noticed a particularly large outcropping of rocks overhead. Thinking quickly, I carefully tossed the grenade into those rocks and dashed for cover.” Now I’m sitting between the ladies and holding them close as if for protection. They giggle.

This is not an easy task with a full pack on your back but I pulled it off. This had better work because now my back is to a wall, there is a woman at each of my sides and all the men in the crowd were in a half-circle around me. Any escape I had, is now closed up!

“The grenade EXPLODES in a shower of rocks large and small followed by a rock slide. Deathclaws are being hit in the head and chest and legs. Those Deathclaws that escaped the rock shower, were engulfed in the rock slide or are now on the other side!” I escaped with only a scar to show for my trouble.” Then I open my leather armor vest and lift my shirt to expose the wound. There are some sounds of assent and some of pain from the crowd and ladies. (Actually I had stumbled again and the grenade flew out of my hand into the outcropping. When I got back to my feet it went off, the blast caused a rock to hit me square in the chest that knocked me off of the cliff side. Let me tell you, that was one bumpy and painful Brahmin ride. But they don’t need to know that.)

"A fine tale stranger" the apparent leader said. He had been studying me a little closer than the others and seemed a little more level headed than the rest. "Names Raiveun" I said, reaching into my pack once more, this time for some jerky. Taking a bite, I hand the rest to one of the ladies and another piece of jerky to the other. They both eagerly take what was offered and one even snuggles up a little closer.


Then someone shouts “Damnit Samuel, this stranger killed Hack and Slash in cold blood and he ain’t gonna get a away with it!” So Samuel is the level headed one. "Yeah, these was my friends you killed dead" said one of those with a gun that he is now shaking at me. “Now calm down the both of you.” said Samuel. “Nobody is gonna get away with anything here”.

“No he didn’t” said my new girl friend calmly and almost absently then taking another bite of jerky.

“What? What did you say Mirabelle?” asked Samuel.

“I… I mean he didn’t kill them in cold blood. Hack ‘n Slash jumped him.” Mirabelle said looking at me.

“What are you talkin’ about girl, this stranger shot ‘em in cold blood I tell ya. They didn’t jump nobody.”

“Yes they did! Just like always. Only this time he fought back.” Mirabelle said in a huff pointing at me and scooting closer still. This time for protection it seemed as she put her arm in mine and held on tight. I’m beginning to like her!

Samuel told Ralph to “Keep quiet” then asked the other woman if what Mirabelle said was true to which she readily agreed.

"Wonder if they're carrying anything valuable?" I said a little quietly to some of those nearby. A couple of them started moving towards the bodies. Normally I would have picked the bodies clean myself. They no longer need their possessions and my father always said, "Never waste in the Wastes"!

“Well that’s it then.” said Samuel. “Hack and Slash finally bit off more than they could chew even if their motives were right.” (I wondered what that meant). “Can’t blame a man for defending himself. Now get goin’ all of you! Ralph, you and Seep go clean up that mess.” Most everyone started to disperse. A couple of men remained at Samuel’s side.

However, Ralph wasn’t through with me yet. “This ain’t over stranger. Me ‘n Hack were like brothers! I will have my revenge!” he said pointing at me but he backed down anyway. (Mental note stay away from Ralph while here. I don’t need any more trouble.) “Don’t you go makin’ trouble.” Samuel said to Ralph as he turned away. Ralph grunts then shouts at the men that are now looting the bodies “Get away from there damn it”. Ralph runs up to kick the closest one but both looters are already running away each with a 9mm and some caps (although some were getting dropped).

“Got any more?” asked Mirabelle as she looked adoringly into my eyes. I pulled two more strips of jerky out of my pack and handed one to each of the women. Mirabelle relaxed now and started concentrating on the jerky while the other got up and left. Mirabelle was a cute little number. Short dark hair, alluring eyes, a sweet voice, and curves sharp enough to put any Chrysalis Highwayman to the test.

Now Samuel turned back to me. “Look Raiveun, we don’t have much here, some shelter from the heat, a place to sleep, and just enough food to get by. Most of our goods are scavenged from the surrounding area, including ammo. Strangers rarely come through this pit, merchants even less often. We’ve all been trying to make something of this place for some time now. Then you show up, start shooting, and now two men are dead. That’s five in as many weeks!”

“It was…” I started.

“Now let me finish .” Samuel interrupted. “Hack and Slash may not have been much but they carried their load around here! So if your passing through as you say, then don’t be sticking around too long. If you’re looking to stay for a while for whatever reason, maybe prove to these folk you’re more than you say, then you had better help out around here. We could sure use it. We start work early and break off at noon. After which everyone is pretty much on their own. This gives everyone a chance to work on their own projects either alone or in smaller groups.”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

Some kids had shown up and were milling about. Some wanted to see my pistol and FN FAL which I pulled off of my shoulder and rested on my lap. I insured the safety was on and removed the clip. Then I showed them how to be certain that the chamber was empty and handed it to the closest kid. Some others were sheepishly observing from a safe distance. One boy wanted me to show him how to use a gun so he could protect his mom, brother, and sister. He must have been all of 13 years old and said his mom told him he was the man of the house now since dad had died. He said he even had a gun and showed me his zip gun that was hidden under his shirt, which he quickly covered up again. I told him now was not a good time. Samuel told all of the kids to run along now as he wanted to talk to the stranger. “But you will teach me please, later?” he said. I told him I would then reached into my pack again and pulled out a box of pre-war donuts that I had found earlier in a broken down fridge. I tossed it to one of the sheepish kids in the back and told her to share. Her eyes beamed and she smiled from ear to ear then took off holding the donuts on high. This really excited all of the kids and they ran off following the donuts. Although the one holding my FN FAL almost dropped it to the ground before I caught it.

Samuel began, “There’s so much to do here but there’s two things that we could really use your help with. Lately, we have been experiencing an increase in the number of attacks from wild animals. It’s as if there is something pushing them out of the dessert. Mostly scavengers, wild dogs and pig rats, some small scorps but occasionally even bigger predators have come through, including a family of mole rats. Every time this happens our work is disrupted. Construction stops, tending to the gardens and fields stops, reclaiming debris stops, and someone usually gets hurt. The people are getting scared.”

“Anymore someone must always be on guard when any work is being done. That’s one less body to help out. When someone is wounded by these attacks, progress slows even further until they are healed and none of us are very proficient at that. Sometimes the wounded can be used to perform less intensive tasks. Even so, they don’t get as much done. While some of us have guns, none are really any good with them.”

“The building we are working on now will be a community center, council building, and safe house to guard against attacks and Sand Storms. The last storm was fairly small but it wiped out so much hard work, we are still recovering. Huge wasps tend to follow immediately after a storm. We lost one man and a small boy in that attack!”

“We need you to investigate the surrounding sectors. Search for and destroy any lairs that you might find. Preferably search all of the surrounding sectors but concentrate on the western sectors. It would also help if you patrolled the edges of our town each morning starting with the east side before you leave for the outer sectors. Eliminating any lairs you find may not stop the root cause of the increased attacks but it will give us some time to complete our Community Center.”

“We’ll take whatever help you can give us Raiveun but we can’t offer much. We’ll be clearing debris in the east section of the town tomorrow morning at first light. You will be able to find me around there or possibly at the collection center organizing the progress from there. For now, Mirabelle can show you around if you like.” I liked and she said that she would love to and put her arm in mine. “Mira, don’t you go getting too attached. Raiveun here is just passing through. I’m sure he’s not looking to settle down.” Mirabelle lowered her eyes and head then sniffed.

Hmmm, this could be a pleasant diversion. “So, what’s the second thing you needed my help with?” I asked.

“Not right now. I’ll tell you more later if you’re still around. So will you investigate the surrounding areas for us?” Samuel asked. I told him I would be glad to help. (Especially if I could spend the nights with Mira).

“Good then, I’ll see you tomorrow morning at first light.” Then he and his friends walked away.

Mira stood up rather elated and holding my hand said “Come on. I’ll show you the Community Center we’re building.” It seemed she was almost afraid to let go of my hand. On the way there she informed me that her husband had disappeared two weeks ago. All that was found was some of his personal belongings on the western edge of the town. Everyone believes he was killed by the wild animals that have been attacking. I told her I was sorry for her loss and she put her arm in mine and walked a little closer.

“Samuel organizes the tasks that are needed to rebuild our town.” Mira said. “He also participates in whatever task has been scheduled. We all share in this work. Samuel’s done a great job of keeping us busy and working together like one big family. We have accomplished and learned a lot that we would not have otherwise without him. We all rely on each other a great deal. That’s kind of why we’re so wary of strangers.”

Mira had directed me a little to the east while heading north en route to the Community Center. We stopped at what she said was their Meat Processing Plant where she informed me that they sometimes sold their smoked meats to merchants. This was little more than a shack with meat racks for drying and smoking. Remains were dumped in a hole nearby. It was fenced in now as Mira explained that wild animals raided this building in the past. “We built it here on the east side since the wind mostly comes from the west. Sometimes this place tends to smell.”

When we reached the Community Center she explained that they were building it over an existing basement that they had found. The debris in this area had been mostly removed. There were however, piles of building materials gathered here, some sheet metal, wood, and bricks. The ground level floor was mostly intact and it appeared that they were working on completing this. There were no walls to speak of so this “Community Center” could have been easily dismissed by the casual observer.

Heading further north we passed by a home or two (not much more than a sheet metal shack hastily thrown together), much more debris, and finally stopped at what she called the “Collection Center”. This was a junkyard within a junkyard. It was however, much more organized and was fenced in; the gate was shut now. A brick wall was being built along the west fence, presumably to protect the contents from the storms. Eventually they would need to fully encompass this area. Building materials could mostly be seen in related stacks; some higher than others thus implying greater abundance in the scattered debris throughout the town. There could even be seen furniture and related items. She explained that anything of value would be brought here and sometimes goods from here could be traded with merchants that might pass through.

She escorted me a short distance to the east where a brick manufacturing building was located. Rows upon rows of bricks could be seen baking in the sun. A small covered area looked to be where the brick mixture was made and ingredients stored. Mira explained that they gather most of the building materials needed from the surrounding debris but sometimes there wasn’t enough bricks to go around. So they have learned how to make bricks from dirt, desert grasses, waste water, and tree sap.

She guided me back to the west where a short distance past the Collection Center is the towns graveyard. The graveyard is being kept immaculate in comparison to the rest on the town. It is neatly walled off with bricks just high enough to separate it from the surrounding area. There were only five graves including two new ones. Some of these have recent flowers placed on them. Mira held me close as she looked on, a tear rolling from her eye. One of these must be her husbands. We left quietly.

We then headed back to the central west part of town. This was where most of the shack homes were located scattered amongst the debris. Some people could be seen helping others with their homes. Patching and rebuilding where needed. We came near the home of the boy who had asked for weapons training. He noticed us and came running. Mira informed me that the boys father was one of those lost in the recent storm to Giant Wasps. Mira introduced me to him. “This is Spot. Heir to the Re’ Muvier Estate” and she smiled and curtsied. A desert lady, how miraculous!

“Have you come to show me how to use a gun?” he asked hopefully. “I’ve got mine right here.” And he showed me. “I just cleaned it and I’ve got lots of ammo too!”. I glanced at Mira who smiled, removed her arm from mine, and started walking toward Spot’s home. “It looks like you boys will be busy for a while so I’ll just wait inside and visit with Lucy.”

“Men!” Spot said.

“Oh excuse me little man.” Mira said while tussling Spot’s hair. “It should be safe to practice behind the brick yard.” She told me then disappeared inside the home.

“Well we had better get going then.” I said to Spot.

“All right!” Spot exclaimed and jumped.

When we arrived, I removed my pack and set some items on top of one of the stacks of debris for target practice. We backed away about 10 paces. I had him show me what he already knew then shoot at one of the targets. He missed but some small rats scampered away. I changed his stance and grip then told him to relax and gently squeeze the trigger. He still missed but he was much closer than before. He tried a few more times until his zip gun became to hot to handle and he had to put it down.

At about this time we were joined by the men who had looted Hack ‘n Slash’s bodies. They asked if they could join us and I agreed. I told everyone about the differences of many hand guns (including different ammo types) showing them the different hand guns I had in my small collection including my favorite, the .223, a Desert Eagle, a Colt 45, and a couple of Berettas (some I’d acquired en route to Arroyo). I showed them how to maintain each these weapons but focused primarily on the 9mm’s. Then I had them all duplicate the steps they had been shown on their own guns (Spot used one of my 9mm’s). We then discussed general safety when firing alone and within groups.

Spot asked me to shoot the targets so they could see how it was done. Using the 9mm, I fired and hit each target in rapid succession, one round for each target. I may not be the best but I’m damn good and they were sure impressed. Setting up new targets, practice then continued with Spot using my 9mm. His eyes were all aglow. While they were shooting I walked behind each one observing and making fine adjustments. After a while, Spot even nicked one of the targets and everyone was getting closer. I noticed Samuel had shown up and been watching but I don’t know how long he had been there.

Training continued until it started getting dark. There was also a sound similar to a bell. I told Spot that he could continue using the 9mm for practice and asked him to hold it for me since my pack was so heavy. Spot said “Really?” and “Thanks, I’ll take good care of it, I promise”. He had learned a lot that evening but I could tell he needed to learn more. Regardless, it was valuable experience for us all, although more so for them.

On the way back to Spot’s home, he told me that bell was to let everyone know dinner would be served in 15 minutes. He said we must have missed the 30-minute bell and “There are other bells that warn of trouble”. He asked if I was coming to dinner and said I could sit next him if I wanted to. I told him that would be great.

We met his mom and Mira outside Spot’s home. Spot was told to go inside and wash up real quick and to “put that thing away” pointing at the gun. Then she looked at me and said “You too” in her sternest voice. Mira had gotten all dolled up while we were practicing! I told her she looked positively radiant to which she giggled and blushed. It was difficult taking my eyes off of her. Spot’s mom told me that I could leave my stuff inside until after supper. So us boys, uh hum, men washed up. Spot hid the 9mm in his room and I set my pack down inside the front door. Then we all headed to the Community Center. Mira took my arm again (mmm, I could get used to this I thought) and Spot took his moms hand.

On the way Mira told me that at least once a week and on some special occasions everyone would gather in front of the Community Center for a shared common meal. Tables had been setup in font of what would be the Community Center in a broken “U” shape. Torches lit the area and it even looked a little festive. Samuel could be seen at what would be the head of the table (the bottom of the “U”) which was nearest the soon to be Community Center building. He look at Mira then me with that studying gaze again.

We took our seats as the last few in the community wandered in. Mira explained how the community meal unfolds. “When a Community meal is planned we take turns in setting up the tables, preparing the meals, and cleaning up afterwards. When everyone gathers, Samuel will greet us and explain why we have gathered. Then we all help ourselves to the food.” Mira pointed to the pots and inhaled deeply, “tonight’s meal is my favorite, ‘Fire Beetle Stew’”.

Ralph finally wandered in and looked at Mira then eyed me but his look was in disapproval, perhaps jealousy. Another reason to avoid him. After everyone was seated Samuel called for everyone’s attention and spoke.

“We have come together tonight in remembrance of friends lost in battle and hope for a brighter future. First, we have a guest at our table tonight. His name is Raiveun and he brings hope to our small community. He has offered to help us in several matters concerning our town. Tomorrow he will begin to rid this town of the vermin that attack us daily! Now, you have all known Hack and Slashed for some time. They have been with use almost since the beginning. They passed on today in their final battle and yes Raiveun was involved…”

Ralph bolted up out of his chair causing it to fall over and demanded “What is HE doing here? He is the murdering assassin that killed Hack ‘n Slash! He’s not family, he doesn’t live here! He only wants to KILL us and ROB us and RAPE us” he looks directly at Mira “then leave with all of our treasure!” Mira grabbed my arm under the table.

“As I said, he is our guest and he has offered to help us. The matter in the death of your friend is resolved. Your outburst is uncalled-for.”

“Uncalled-for! UNCALLED-FOR! He murdered Hack and I will not rest until he has paid for that! I will not eat at the same table as a common murderer! Come on Seep, we’re leaving!” Ralph then overturns his empty bowl and storms off.

“But Ralph, I’m hungry.” Seep exclaimed somewhat under his breath.

“Come ON Seep!” Ralph shouts from the darkness. Slowly Seep gets up and leaves after looking around at everyone else. The night is so quiet you could hear Ralph in the distance kick something in anger then shout in pain. Everyone tried to suppress their snickers.

“I apologize for Ralph’s behavior Raiveun and to all of you who have joined us at the table tonight.” Said Samuel.

“I have intruded. Perhaps I should leave.” I replied.

Mira increased her grip on my arm and held me down, her nails were digging into my flesh; I stiffened in response “mh”. (I think she is trying to tell me something.) Samuel said he wouldn’t hear of it. The circumstances of my arrival have been resolved to the satisfaction of all but Ralph and he would talk to Ralph tomorrow after he has calmed down. You will stay Raiveun and join us in this meal of remembrance and hope.

“I would be honored Samuel to join you and this company. I sincerely hope that I will live up to the expectations of each and every one of you.” I replied and Mira’s grip lessened. Whew!

“Well spoken!” Samuel said. “I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship. Now everyone enjoy this meal, this company, and this evening. And remember, tomorrow we all gather in the East unhampered by any marauding vermin thanks to our guest!”

Everything calmed down after that. Mira volunteered to get food for both of us. She set down a bowl of stew, some bread, and a flavored drink of some sort for each of us. Then she waited for me to try it. “Have you never had Fire Beetle Stew?” she asked.


Spot said it was good and that I should try it. I sniffed the stew. It smelled good so I cautiously tasted it. “Mmm. It does taste good. It tastes a little like Iguana.”.

“Only better.” Said Spot.

“And fresher” said Mira who then smiled and started eating hers.

Mira apologized for grabbing me so tight and hoped she hadn’t hurt me. Then she asked quietly “You’re not going to just leave are you? Like he said?” I told her “No” but that I do have other obligations in Arroyo. I can’t stay but I also don’t have to leave for awhile and I can always come back. She wasn’t entirely satisfied with that answer. “Perhaps you would care to join me? I would love your company!”

“Do you mean it?” she said contemplating the extent of her responsibilities here and all it meant to leave, even if for a short while.

“Of Course.”

The rest of the evening went well. Mira’s company was exceptional if not a little strained by my earlier comments. She laughed at all of my jokes, even the bad ones (which was most of them). I was once again called upon for a tale and humbly obliged. I told of a man I met in New Reno…

“He kept betting at the tables until eventually he had lost everything but his under shorts. Much to the amusement of all, he bet those too, and lost. When he realized what he had done, he paused for a moment then screamed and ran as fast as he could for the door!” Everyone laughed, must be something in that drink.

After dinner we walked back to Spot’s home and I gathered up my pack. Mira apologized for Ralph’s behavior again. I told her it was understandable. She said “Perhaps, but not excusable.” When we reached Spot’s home he said “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow”. Lucy said, “It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope you will stay awhile.” glancing at Mira. Mira shushed Lucy then we said goodnight to them both and started heading south and a little back to the center of town.

It was dark now but one could see scattered light among the debris. These were the torches being used to light the homes in this town with a few scattered between on what could be considered paths. It would be easy for a new comer such as myself to get lost in this debris and darkness. We finally came to one home a little more isolated than the rest yet not completely apart from all others. It was in the southern part of the town. There were two other homes here and the torches in one of these were out. I must have passed near these when I entered the town this afternoon. Mira gestured “This is my home. You can stay here if you like. It’s not much but I have two rooms…” She seemed nervous but we entered together. I place my pack near the door while she lit the torches in the front room, the bathroom, and her bedroom where she paused a moment. Then she entered the front room and sat on the couch. The torchlight sparkled in her eyes while dancing across her face and body. “You must have been traveling for some time before arriving here. Perhaps you would like a bath before… turning in?” She’s getting shyer and more charming every moment yet a bath is an excellent idea.

I told her a bath would be most appreciated and walked toward the bathroom. She eagerly followed to show me where the towel, water, wash cloth… “uhm, sorry…” she said shyly and closed the door while looking into my eyes. Water being scarce as it is in the desert, a bath meant not much more than a bucket of water, some scented herbs, and a washcloth. This “bath water” was reused as often as possible until it was no longer suitable to provide even a modicum of cleaning. At this point it was still not wasted. The water would then be used in gardens or crop fields and even in this case, the making of bricks. It could be considered disrespectful to refuse the offer of someone’s bath water, without good reason. It is refreshing nonetheless after being on the road as long as I have been.

A short time later… Well now I’ve done it. This is not a good time to be putting on travel worn clothes that smell of the road. “Uh, Mira?”


“I seem to have left my clean cloths in my pack.” I hear a giggle and something I can’t quite make out. “What was that, I didn’t quite hear?”

“Oh nothing! I’ll be right there.” (Mira tries to lift your pack but it’s too heavy for her.) “Umpf”, so she drags it across the floor toward the bathroom door (pulling it), which you have opened a crack. She bumps into the door and falls to the ground, “unh”. This causes the door to open completely and knocks you back onto the seat. Fortunately, you had the forethought to put on a towel. “Oh excuse me” she says a little embarrassed glancing at your chest and then the towel. Then she gets up a little flustered and quietly closes the door trying not to look.

A short time later you have dressed. Leaving the bathroom you extinguish the torch and join her on the couch. Mira seemed nervous again.

“Your pack… it is very heavy.” She said with her head held low.

I took her hand. “It contains all of my worldly possessions, including one change of clothes.” I said and she giggled. “You have been wonderful company today. You probably even saved my life.” She looked deeply into my eyes. It would be easy to get lost in hers.

She asked submissively “Have you never had a home? A place you could call your own?” She paused, “Will you always be just passing through?” She had lowered her head again.

I gently lifted her head by her chin and looked into her eyes again. “Sometimes I get so lost in helping others that I forget to think about myself.” Then I too paused. “My life becomes living from one moment to the next. Yes, I would like our relationship to last for more than just a moment.” She smiled a thankful smile, one also of relief and slowly stood. Then releasing my hand she walked to her bedroom.

She turned to face me, “You can join me if you wish it.”, she quietly offered.

I stood and walked slowly toward her. I reached for her hand and felt it’s soft, reassuring warmth. She was trembling. Then I gently kissed her moist and inviting lips. She inhaled sharply in anticipation. “Tomorrow comes early and there would be time enough for that later.” I promised, gently stroking her hair and cheek. I gently kissed her once more and backed away until our hands separated. Mira breathed a sigh, as much of relief as disappointment. “Let us rest for this night, my Desert Lady.” She smiled sweetly and slowly closed her door.

I returned to the couch and sat down for a moment. Then breathed a sigh myself. That was not an easy thing to do. Here I go getting attached again. I got up and extinguished the torch then fell into couch. What an incredible day. I do think I will have to stay here for awhile.

Yes, this WOULD be a pleasant diversion indeed…

© 2013 Randall C Porter

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